Copyright 2010-2012 THE MINGS Development Inc. All rights reserved.
- 为您提供合格的候选申请者
- 税务服务,payroll deduction,t4 ...
- 为您的员工或候选员工进行培训及相关安全知识考核
- 我们不会把不符合要求并满意的简历发给您们。
- 我们和申请人有密切的联系及了解,因此他们将会最好的胜任您公司职位
- 我们时刻追踪人力资源与市场的变化,将为您的公司寻求最符合市场发展需求的人才
We will not forward any resumes to you that have not first been qualified by us. We develop a relationship with our candidates and this allows us to guarantee the right connection between you and the candidates we introduce for the positions you need to fill. We become your eyes in the market and we know where to look for the right people.